
All News
November 20, 2019

Thoughtful Life Class Plans for December

Jim Rhen will lead the Thoughtful Life class in a study of the Psalms for four weeks in December. Jim retired as pastor of the Mechanic Grove congregation and is a member at LCOB.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer penned a little book entitled, Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible. In it he writes: “Now there is in the Holy Scriptures a book which is distinguished from all other books of the Bible by the fact that it contains only prayers. The book is the Psalms…The richness of the Word of God ought to determine our prayer, not the poverty of our heart…This is pure grace, that God tells us how we can speak with him and have fellow-ship with him. We can do it by praying in the name of Jesus Christ. The Psalms are given to us to this end, that we may learn to pray them in the name of Jesus Christ.” (pp. 13-15)

Obviously, this cannot be an exhaustive study, but it may wet our appetites to pray these prayers more. What a way to prepare for the coming of God to earth in Jesus!