Annual Conference Sunday

Sunday, July 2, 2017
10:15 am

Annual Conference worship is consistently listed as a highlight for those who are able to attend. Some of the best musicians, speakers, and planners from across the country combine with a crowd of several thousand Church of the Brethren members to create unforgettable moments. And this year, LCOB members and friends are going to join in on the experience!

On Sunday, July 2, we are going to live stream the Sunday Morning Worship from Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan for the Sunday Morning Worship service. EVERYONE will gather together in the Family Life Center to join the worship in Grand Rapids along with churches all around the country who are also streaming the worship as a way of staying connected with one another.

The theme for this year’s conference is Risk Hope. Moderator Carol Schepperd says this about it, “We live in times that challenge us in our quest to be a faithful people. Strife and uncertainty permeate our society and invade our churches, and we grow disheartened and discouraged… let us be bold in this time of challenge – bold to turn aside from our despair, to step out in faith, to claim the promises that are ours in Christ Jesus, and to Risk Hope for the life and vitality of the Gospel.”

Certainly, it will feel a bit different to worship all together in the FLC. Certainly, it will feel a bit different to sing along with folks from around the country and be accompanied by musicians who are actually in Grand Rapids. But, the hope that being part of the larger church will fill all attendees in new ways, that it will give everyone a broader perspective on the work of Christ in the world, and that it will challenge everyone to see how what is done locally impacts and is necessary for the larger church.

Join in Risking Hope on July 2! For more information about Annual Conference or to see Bible Study on the theme, go to

—Pastor Cindy Lattimer