Family Christmas Event

Saturday, December 9, 2017
5:00 pm

The Cross-Cultural Connections Team cordially invites all LCOB members and friends to a Christmas dinner celebration entitled Feliz Navidad, on December 9, at 5:00 p.m. Navidad is the Spanish word for Christmas. In most Latin American countries, Navidad is celebrated during a season that begins in early December and goes until January 6. During this entire time, one can see nativity scenes, poinsettias and Christmas trees almost everywhere. Most people clean, paint and decorate their homes in expectation of the greatest celebration of all, the Birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

People’s attitudes seem to reflect a sense of peace, joy and compassion towards one another. It is a biblical narrative that involves millions of Christians across the World. Entire communities come together to celebrate with songs and prayers of the birth of Jesus.

There are worship services and feasts on Christmas Eve, (Noche-Buena) December. 24. Christmas season ends with the arrival of the Three Wise Men on January 6. The evening of January 5, children place water and grass for the Wise Men’s camels in a special place in their homes in expectation of their visits to bring gifts as they had done to Baby Jesus on that miraculous day long-ago.

The celebration of Jesus’ Birth is the most significant season of the year for most Latin countries. This is a time when people are friendlier, more loving and forgiving of their neighbors. Family members, friends, vendors and customers, almost all greet each other by saying “Feliz Navidad.” During Christmas time in most parts of the world, whether Hispanic or European communities, there is hope of peace, joy and happiness in the world.

-Pastor Alix Sable