
All News
June 28, 2024

Service Spotlight: Carlos & Suzanne Schaudel

Service Spotlight is a new bimonthly feature by Carole Deck highlighting LCOB members and friends who find joy in serving.

Jesus’ parable about the Good Samaritan is a lesson in generosity. The Samaritan gave hands-on help, his time and finances, to someone in need.

The parable inspired Carlos Schaudel with an idea to use his passion for cooking to help others. He began a food ministry for church members who need a meal after being released from the hospital or while dealing with a medical issue.

“I love to cook and want to be a good Samaritan,” said Carlos. He credits learning cooking skills from his father, Otto. Family trips to Brazil and Germany, he said, created an interest to learn the history and nationality of different foods.

With his mother, Suzanne, who he calls his sous chef, Carlos’ Food Ministry became a reality in January. The mother/son team has generously prepared and delivered 16 meals to members. Currently, it’s about one meal prepared for a member every 10 days.

Each week, the Schaudels review the E-Blast to see if someone out of the hospital or with a medical issue would want a meal. Choice of food is discussed and could be German fare with sausage and potatoes, pork and sauerkraut or grilled chicken, to name a few selections.

Meal preparation begins with the two deciding the menu. Carlos then shops for food, getting discounts from the Alpha and Omega Food Bank, Blessings of Hope, and Harvest Lane Food Market. His backyard vegetable garden yields lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. Cabbage grown earlier was canned and now is used for a pork and sauerkraut meal.

Cooking is done at Carlos’ house or occasionally at Suzanne’s with food prep jobs divided between the two retired long-term church members. Meals consist of a main entrée with side dishes (starch, vegetable, or salad). Grilling is Carlos’ specialty with chicken being his first choice grilled with his special seasonings. When the food is prepared, Suzanne takes on the role of delivery driver.

Randy Mohler, a 12-year church member, appreciates receiving meals from the food ministry as he struggles with health issues.

Hands down, he said Carlos’ delicious BBQ chicken is his favorite with sausage coming in second.

“The meals are well thought out, really good, and the generosity of providing a meal makes me feel people from my church care,” said Randy.

While Carlos would like to see his food ministry grow, Suzanne feels their small two-person cooking works best for them.

“Carlos’ Food Ministry is a good example of what one or two people can do to serve others on their own,” said Suzanne.

Serving God through his meal ministry isn’t Carlos’ only service project. He also volunteers at the Alpha and Omega Community Center’s Food Bank twice a month. His job is to help unload the truck from Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, Harrisburg, and put items on a cart.

“Helping others makes you feel good,” said Carlos with a big smile.