
All News
July 25, 2024

Fall Quarter to Offer Adult SS Options

The fall Sunday school quarter gets underway on September 1 with these four options for adults:

1) How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth. Chapel. Matt Kramer will lead this video series based on the book by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart. The series helps disciples of all kinds get the most out of their Bible-reading experience. Taught by Stuart and Mark Strauss, lessons focus on historical contexts of the Bible and explain differences between various types of biblical literature, including Old Testament narratives, epistles, gospels, parables, Psalms, and more.

2) The Wired Word. Room 170. Bob Wintsch uses the online The Wired Word curriculum, which each week pulls an event from the news, providing a summary of the event, big questions related to the topic, relevant Scriptures, and discussion questions.

3) Guide for Biblical Studies. Room 162-3. A variety of teachers lead this Bible study using Guide for Biblical Studies, the Church of the Brethren’s lesson commentary on the International Sunday School Lesson. Written by Pastor Anna Lisa Gross, the fall theme is “Worship in the Covenant Community,” focusing on the worship of ancient Israel.

4) Fundamentos para una vida cristiana victoriosa. Room 200. Teacher, Luis Bosch. Spanish speakers study the Spanish edition of the Carl Krames Bible study Fundamentos para una vida cristiana victoriosa (Foundations for the Victorious Christian Life: Bible Studies).

Children and youth meet in second floor classrooms. Classes meet from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.