January Sermon Series: A ‘Both/And’ Church
Pastor of Worship Don Fitzkee and new interim Pastors Becky Fuchs and Nancy Hess have put their heads together and come up with a preaching plan for coming weeks.
To start the year, each pastor will preach on a topic of their choosing:
1/5, Pastor Nancy: Epiphany, Matthew 2:1-12
1/12, Pastor Don: TBD
1/19, Pastor Becky: Jesus’ Inaugural Address, Luke 4:14-21
After that comes a six-week series called “A Both/And Church.” The series description explains: Sometimes people try to make the church into an “either/or” affair. Either you are for this or for that, but you can’t be for both. What if the church is intended to be a “both/and” body instead? This series will suggest that we may be called to hold some things in tension, rather than choosing sides. Topics include:
1/26, Pastor Don: Uniqueness of Christ & Cooperation with Other Faiths
2/2, Pastor Nancy: Justice & Mercy
2/9, Pastor Don: Truth & Grace
2/16, Pastor Becky: Prayer & Action
2/23, Pastor Don: Evangelism & Social Action
3/2, Pastor Nancy: Separation from and Transformation of the World
Pastor Don will continue to preach roughly every other week in English services, with Pastors Becky and Nancy taking turns the other weeks.