
All News
March 3, 2025

Service Spotlight: Terry Shearer

Service Spotlight is a bimonthly feature by Carole Deck highlighting LCOB members and friends who find joy in serving. This is the last article in the series for now.

Some folks struggle in their search to find a purpose when their life work ends. Terry Shearer had a plan in place before he retired in April 2015. His goal was to volunteer at Water Street Mission, 210 Prince Street, Lancaster.

Ten years later, Terry (left, pictured with WSM staff member Evan Yoder) continues volunteering two days a week, 52 weeks a year at the mission. He serves as a truck assistant in the nonprofit organization’s Logistics and Operations.

His six or seven-hour day consists of loading empty boxes and milk crates onto the back of a truck then loading full ones from food donation pick-ups around the county. 

As a participant of the Feeding America program, associated with the Central PA Food Bank, the Mission collects food donations daily from major chain stores such as Giant, Target, Walmart, BJ’s, Costco, Grand Central, Westfield Egg, Lapp Valley, and Pepperidge Farm. Seasonal produce is picked up from Amish farmers. 

The work is physically demanding with a lot of bending, twisting, and lifting boxes weighing 10 to 50 pounds. Terry finds inspiration to meet the challenges of the job knowing his contribution is “helping to put food on someone’s table.” A favorite scripture, “What you have done for the least of these, you have done for me,” supports his reason to serve. 

Studies show people who find purpose in their retirement years live longer, happier lives. Terry admits finding his purpose has been meaningful and strengthened his faith journey in two ways. Since 2018 he’s been serving on the church Outreach Ministry Team (now Outreach and Service) after the committee learned he was a Mission volunteer. His faith has also been influenced through a bond shared with Mission employee, Evan Yoder, who drives the truck to pick up the food. “Evan is deeply religious and a true follower of Jesus. He’s become one of my very best friends,” said Terry. 

Terry has attended our church since 1985 and became a member in the late ‘80s or early ‘90s.