
All News
June 28, 2024

Youth to Serve in Oklahoma

When our youth learned we were planning a mission trip to Oklahoma this summer, their biggest concern was tornados. It seems if you search for information about Oklahoma, severe weather is one of the first things to pop up. Four of our youth decided to go anyway!

Jon, Elicia, Alan, and Tyler, along with adult advisors Linda & Dave Byers, will travel to Oklahoma City for a July 14-20 mission trip through Next Step Ministries.

Based in Madison, Wisconsin, Next Step is a Christian organization that helps youth have a faith building experience while serving others. This will be our youth’s second experience with Next Steps. Most of the camps host 40 to 60 students, and staff lead worship each evening.

Each day our group will gather tools and supplies, make a bag lunch, and head out to the worksite for the day. Work often involves some type of construction. Lunch break will include a focused devotion time with other volunteers. After work, we’ll have time to hang out, shower (in trailers), and get ready for dinner. After evening worship our group will meet to share our experiences from the day. Friday afternoon all groups will have time to do some sightseeing before returning home on Saturday morning.

Please pray for our team of six to stay healthy, safe, and well hydrated during the trip. Pray for us to be a blessing to the people we serve and to come back tired but refreshed.

–Linda Byers, Director of Children & Youth Ministries