
All News
December 28, 2024

Service Spotlight: Bob Mackey

Service Spotlight is a bimonthly feature by Carole Deck highlighting LCOB members and friends who find joy in serving.

Anchor Lancaster strives to be a good neighbor to those in need. One way the nonprofit organization is fulfilling its mission is to provide a Breakfast Program every day, every week, all year round for guests. 

Bob Mackey was motivated to volunteer with the organization after a visit from Anchor volunteers to an Outreach & Service Team meeting at our church. 

Since April 2019, Bob has helped with the breakfast buffet every other Wednesday. During the summer months he also fills in for volunteers on vacation.  

For two and a half hours during his shift, Bob eagerly hands out trays and plates to servers and helps with dish washing. It takes a lot of dishes to serve the 150 to 180 guests who enjoy and rely on the breakfast fare each morning at Anchor’s location in the First United Methodist Church, 29 E. Walnut Street. 

More than 30 to 40 dozen eggs are cracked on mornings when eggs are on the menu with about 55 gallons of coffee served each week. 

“Anchor provides orientation plus online and in-service training for volunteers on guest treatment to educate about how to interact with guests. There’s also training for food handling and preparation,” said Bob. 

He appreciates Anchor’s expectations for volunteers to greet guests with dignity, respect, and compassion in a welcoming and safe environment. Though his interaction with guests is limited, conversation with them is always congenial. 

For Bob, the best part of volunteering with Anchor is working as a team with the other volunteers to fulfill the goal of being of service to others. “It follows the directive from the Bible for us to serve,” said Bob, a member of LCOB since 1978.  

Anchor’s vision is to love, serving God and our neighbors in practical, concrete ways. The organization offers more than food at breakfast. It also provides warm showers every weekday and helps with other essential needs. 

If you are interested in becoming an Anchor Lancaster volunteer, contact Kelly Gibbel, office assistant. For more information, visit