VBS: Seekers in Sneakers Discover Jesus

Sunday, July 28, 2024
6:15 pm

“Seekers in Sneakers” is the theme for Lancaster Church of the Brethren’s Vacation Bible School. The weeklong event will meet Sunday, July 28, through Thursday, August 1, from 6:15 to 8:00 each evening.

Our theme will encourage kids to using “investigative” skills to discover who Jesus was and is to us today. VBS is a fantastic opportunity to make new friends, spend quality time with frequent friends (bring your buddies), and meet up with neighborhood friends. Activities include learning fun songs, solving clue puzzles, doing craft projects, testing some science theories, and playing active games.

Our clue discovery each night will include the idea of geocaching within the church building. We will be seeking to get to know Jesus at the Temple, by the Seaside, and near the Mountain, all while having a great time together.

During the week we will be collecting food and encouraging donations to the Lancaster County Food Hub.

This event is free and open to children age 3 through those who have completed grade 5. (The size of the three-year-old group will be limited, with participants accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis.) For more information and to register your child, contact the church office.