With 10 issues per year, MESSENGER is the official publication of the Church of the Brethren, offering features, reflections, Bible studies, media reviews, letters to the editor, news and more. 


Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board

The denominational board, formerly known as the General Board, is responsible for managing the total ministry and mission for the denomination. The denominational offices are located in Elgin, IL. David Steele, General Secretary. Contact: Telephone: 800-323-8039.

Atlantic Northeast District, Church of the Brethren

The Atlantic Northeast District is comprised of about 70 congregations in eastern Pennsylvania and adjacent states, including the Lancaster Church of the Brethren. The office is located in Elizabethtown, PA. Pete Kontra, District Executive. Contact: Telephone: 717-367-4730.

Elizabethtown College

Located in Elizabethtown, PA, Elizabethtown College is one of six Brethren Colleges/Universities in the denomination. It was founded in 1899. Motto: “Educate for Service.” Betty Rider, President. Contact: Telephone: 717-361-1000

Bethany Theological Seminary

Bethany, the graduate school of theology in the Church of the Brethren, founded in 1905, is located in Richmond, IN. Bethany prepares ministers and other leaders for the denomination. Dr. Jeff Carter, President. Contact: Telephone: 800-287-8822

Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center

The SVMC, founded in 1993, is located on the campus of Elizabethtown College. It is accredited through Bethany Theological Seminary and offers the graduate level courses and several certificate-level programs for ministers who want ministerial training but do not want the graduate degree. Donna Rhodes, Executive Director. Contact: Telephone: 717-361-1450

Brethren Village

BV, founded in 1898, located in Lancaster, PA, is one of three retirement communities in the Atlantic Northeast District. It has over 950 residents. John Snader, President. Contact: Telephone: 717-569-2657

Camp Swatara

Camp Swatara, founded in 1942, is the only Church of the Brethren camp in the Atlantic Northeast District. It provides a wide-range of residential camping for children, youth, and adults. The camp is located in Bethel, PA. Tim Courtright, Executive Director. Contact: Telephone: 717-933-8510

COBYS Family Services

COBYS, located in Leola, PA, with an office in Lancaster, PA, was founded in 1979. It specializes in Foster Care, Adoption, Family Education and Counseling. J. Michael Lausch, Executive Director. Contact: Telephone: 717-656-6580

On Earth Peace

OEP, located in New Windsor, MD, has existed for more than 40 years. It was the dream-child of M.R. Ziegler, a tireless man of peace for the denomination and international community. OEP serves congregations, districts, and the denomination in areas of reconciliation and peace education, especially the youth of the denomination. Contact: Telephone: 410-635-8704

New Community Project

NCP, located in Peoria, Arizona, founded in 1993, provides training tours for youth, young adults, and adults to some of the poorest areas of the world. Among other activities, NCP makes micro-loans to women in areas like Sudan. NCP, though affiliated with the Church of the Brethren, is an incorporated ecumenical, not for profit, agency. David Radcliff, Executive Director. Contact: Telephone: 888-800-2985