
All News
September 18, 2017

Hygiene Kits on October 15

It is time to assemble the hygiene kits. Volunteers are needed to help assemble the kits on Sunday, October 15, immediately following the 10:15 worship services.

The members of the Pathfinders Fellowship, coordinators for this project, appreciate the generous support of parents and students from Nathan Schaeffer Elementary School. They have already purchased and assembled 45 kits. They also thank the members of LCOB who have donated funds to hygiene kits throughout the year. To date, only $1600.00 is still needed to purchase the remaining supplies to reach this year’s goal of 600 hygiene kits.

Hygiene kits are distributed by Church World Service to places in the world that have experienced disasters. As the CWS website states, “in the face of natural disasters, violence, or grinding poverty, hygiene kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families.”

Please support this effort with your donations and your hands. Checks payable to Lancaster COB with “hygiene kits” designated on the memo line may be placed in the offering plate. Contact Suzanne Schaudel with any questions.