
All News
July 21, 2019

Women’s Fellowship Events

August 18-20—ANE Fall Women’s Retreat at Camp Swatara (Fern Bucher, contact person)

September 14—“Contemplative Art” led by Vicki von Schaaf

September 19—Pie Baking for Disaster Relief Auction (Coordinated by Donna Lunger)

October 19—Christmas Craft project led by Ellen Weaver

December 7—Annual Christmas Gift Exchange and Secret Sister Revealing

“SECRET SISTERS– don’t forget to remember your Secret Sister with a card on her birthday, anniversary, special holidays, and maybe consider sending a card out-of-the-blue to give her a blessing! Small gifts can be given also to enhance her day. If your “gift” doesn’t fit in her mailbox, put it in the box on the bottom of the bookshelf next to the mailboxes AND put a note in your Secret Sister’s mailbox reminding her to look in the box.