
All News
January 11, 2024

WNL to Resume Next Week; Adult Class Focus Is Middle East

Wednesday Night Live meals and programing resume on Wednesday and continue through March 20. Each week includes a brief devotional and meal at 5:30 (beef stroganoff this week), followed by a music time for children led by Carolyn Fitzkee at 6:10 and then activities for children and youth, and adult classes in Spanish and English at 6:30. Musical groups also hold their regular rehearsals.

For the adult class in the Chapel, Dr. Elias George, a Palestinian Christian who has lived and taught in the US for many years, will lead a series on the historical events that led to the Arab-Israeli conflict and specifically current events in the Gaza Strip. 

Dr. George is a retired teacher of History, World Cultures, and Government in the School District of Lancaster and has also been an adjunct professor of Middle Eastern History and Arabic at Eastern Mennonite University and Franklin & Marshall College. He earned an M.Ed. in History and Social Studies from Millersville University and a Ph.D. in Middle East History from Temple University and is currently an independent consultant for translating Arabic and a public speaker on culture, history, and current events of the Middle East region.

Goals of the class include: 

  • Helping participants gain a deeper understanding of the Middle East through readings and discussion;
  • Learning to be more discerning consumers of media reports about the Middle East; and
  • Empowerment for peacemaking.