
All News
February 16, 2024

Children’s Sunday School to Expand in March

If you have been around on a Wednesday night or noticed some smaller people partaking of donuts before the Sunday school hour, you may have realized we have a few more children joining us lately. With the growing Spanish ministry and a few more young families in our midst, the children’s ministry is expanding. Beginning March 3, instead of one Sunday school class for children age 3 through 5th grade, we will divide children into two groups.

Under the new format, all children will meet together for some music in the current Praise Kidz room. Then kids in grades 3 through 5 will go to a separate room so all children can have lessons better suited to their age level. Teachers will use the Church of the Brethren curriculum “Shine.” 

Of course, this expansion means we could use some additional teachers and some very special friends that we are calling “Guardian Greeters.” We are looking for a few special people to be in the second floor hallway each Sunday as a smiling face to welcome children to class and to wait in the hallway for the hour to support the teachers. We’ll have a comfortable place for our Greeters to sit while they do their very important job. 

“Guardian Greeters” can be any age and don’t need to have children to do the job. All you need is a welcoming spirit and warm greeting along with Safe Church clearances. We are seeking out several so “Guardians” would only need to miss adult Sunday school every once in a while. Please speak to Linda Byers if you think this task is a ministry you would like to try.

The children’s Sunday school teacher role also should not be daunting. You are welcome to join in observing some of our seasoned teachers and see what a lesson is like before committing. We would love to add you to our children’s ministry leaders.

Supporting our children’s ministry with your time is a great way to support the families and parents of our congregation as we build relationships across generations. –Linda Byers, Director of Children & Youth Ministries